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Can an MSP’s Learn a Sales Recruiting Lesson from Seinfeld?
Content by: David Walter from MTS
In the competitive world of IT sales, hiring the right salesperson can make or break your business. Unfortunately, the allure of hiring someone from a competitor can sometimes lead to disastrous results. This cautionary tale, reminiscent of George Costanza’s antics in Seinfeld, highlights the importance of thorough vetting and the potential pitfalls of hiring the wrong person.
The Situation
An IT company decided to hire a salesperson from the copier industry, hoping to break into the technology sector. After a year, this individual had not closed a single deal. The company owner, desperate to see results, brought me in to coach the salesperson. It quickly became apparent that this person lacked even the most basic sales skills, such as remembering a sales presentation. Ultimately, I recommended termination.
The Twist
Before the termination could take place, the savvy job hunter saw the writing on the wall and abruptly left to join another Managed IT Services provider. Later, I had the chance to interview the MSPs who had hired this individual. They reported that he worked there for nearly a year without closing a single sale and left just before they could fire him. He then moved on to yet another IT company.
The Fallout
Both companies now believe that hiring salespeople is a futile endeavor. Why did these tech companies fall for this individual’s pitch? The answer lies in the persuasive idea of hiring a salesperson currently working for a competitor. You can’t call their current employer to check on their work history or get an endorsement, making it the perfect opportunity for a fake salesperson to scam their way into multiple jobs.
The Consequences
This individual left a trail of heartburn, disappointment, and disbelief, making it seem impossible to successfully hire salespeople in the IT industry. A real salesperson will come with overwhelming proof that they can deliver results. This story is just one example among many horror stories from IT providers complaining about bad sales hires.
The Solution
Finding a real salesperson is rare and attracting them requires offering more than $65,000 a year and paying a residual commission. Additionally, offering a percentage of the business can be a powerful incentive. Aaron Underhill, an MSP from Florida, mentioned in an interview with NinjaOne that this approach not only attracts top talent but also encourages them to stay and perform well.
Paying more is just one key to successfully hiring salespeople. You must also be willing to think outside the box and hire someone who might fail your personality test and interviews. Remember, bad salespeople are skilled at getting hired but lack actual sales skills.
This tale is reminiscent of George Costanza’s escapades in Seinfeld, particularly the episode where he pretends to be a marine biologist. Just like George, the salesperson in this story used charm and deception to secure jobs at multiple IT companies without delivering any real results. Both cases highlight the importance of thorough vetting and the dangers of being swayed by appearances and credentials without proper verification.
Be cautious but don’t give up. By paying more, offering a stake in the business, and changing your hiring approach, you might find a superstar. The key is to look for overwhelming proof of results and be willing to invest in the right talent. This approach can help you avoid the pitfalls of hiring the wrong salesperson and ensure your IT company thrives.