CompTIA Community Forum

Register Now for the CompTIA Community Forum (CCF), held March 10-12, 2025, in Chicago. Join fellow CompTIA Community members for an exclusive opportunity to learn about important industry trends, connect with engaged peers, and help develop member-led initiatives that help the whole IT industry. We’ll also host the third annual North America Spotlight Awards dinner to celebrate the accomplishments of CompTIA Community members who have demonstrated engagement, thought leadership and commitment to grow the industry.

Why You Should Join Us 
The CompTIA Community counts on our member-led interest groups and industry advisory councils to serve as influencers and ambassadors to the technology industry. Don’t miss this chance to contribute your ideas and create the partnerships that help shape the future. If you’re not yet part of a CompTIA Community or Council, CCF provides an opportunity to learn how you can get involved and better utilize your membership to help your technology business grow. There’s a place for everyone—from MSPs and solution providers to cybersecurity evangelists and technology vendors and distributors and beyond!

View the Agenda

Event Dates: 
Monday, March 10 – Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Fairmont Chicago – Millennium Park
200 N. Columbus Drive
Chicago, IL 60601

CompTIA hotel room block
The room block at the Fairmont Chicago – Millennium Park Hotel closes on Monday, February 17th.
Make Your Reservation soon to take advantage of our special discounted rate of $179+.

*The CCF hotel room block has been established to ensure that rooms meet CompTIA standards and are offered at a discounted rate. If you receive solicitations via email or phone from other companies, please note that these companies are not authorized to represent CompTIA. Please use the CompTIA CCF website or the links contained in the CompTIA emails to make your reservations at the Fairmont Chicago – Millennium Park Hotel.

Who Should Attend? 
CompTIA Community Forum is open to both highly engaged members and those new to the CompTIA Community—and is a great way to connect with and leverage your industry trade association.

The event is finished.



Mar 10 - 12 2025


All Day


Fairmont Chicago - Millennium Park
Fairmont Chicago - Millennium Park
200 North Columbus Drive, Chicago, IL 60601


MSPAA Partners
MSPAA Partners
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