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Cloud Revolution

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The Cloud Revolution Summit

September 18 - September 19

Tech leaders are joining a revolution.

A cloud event driven by you, not us.
Live, unscripted and interactive.
Giving you real-world insight.

Live online event

18 September 2024 | 10:00 – 15:30 CET

Have you ever dozed off at a conference? Wanted to leave early? Or secretly wanted to stand up and shout ‘You’re wasting my time!’ This is the opposite of that.

Because we hate those, we sat down with our CEO, CTO and team leaders and discussed what their perfect cloud event day would look like.

It’ll be driven by you, not by us.

We designed an event we’d want to go to – where you get lightbulb moments that actually influence your strategy and lead to unexpected and tangible outcomes.

It’ll be, live, unscripted, and interactive.

We’re crowd-sourcing challenges, and solving them in real-time. You submit cloud issues, expert panels are challenged to find solutions in real-time.

It’ll come with real world insight.

No boring PowerPoints. Live collaboration with the best people in cloud today, discussing your challenges with real-life experiences of what’s worked (and what hasn’t).

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